The Strong Leaf Blades, phrase behind Bucephalandra tetana name (Commercial name: Penelope)
As the previous post mentioned (read: bucephalandra kishii ), the magnificent Bucephalandra is classified into 31 species and spread across Borneo. It’s varied colors, and characteristic leaf forms expand the species into some new trading names. To get a closer understanding, I would like to share some information about the original habitat, phrase history, and essential characteristics for Bucephalandra tetana species.
The name of ‘tetana’ comes from Latin adjective, tetanus (from Greek: tetanos, stiff or hard) about the leaf blade. This species is known from its original environment, Borneo, Kalimantan Barat, Sintang regency. Meanwhile, Bucephalandra tetana is distinguished from other species by the stiff or strong leaf blade, due to the species adaptation with the ecology. Generally, it found on mossy basalt river rock, under per humid upper hill to lower montane forest ( 900 m above sea level).
For the physical characteristics, usually, this rheophyte herb is 3 cm tall and reaches up to 25 cm. across. The stem branches repeatedly, and branches are 0.5 – 3 cm long x 1.5 – 2 mm in diameter, with a bright reddish color. The leaves gather along the stem, semi-erect. The petiole size is 1 cm long x 2 mm in diameter, with a bright reddish color on the upper surface. The blade-shaped: obovate to elliptic ( 4-5 cm long x 2 cm wide), very thick and strong. The top surface has semi-glossy dark green while the under the surface has paler yellow-reddish to reddish color completed by numerous reddish spots.
Source : Boyce and Wong (2014)
Reference :
Wong S. Y., Boyce P. C. 2014. Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo XXX – New species and combinations for Bucephalandra. Willdenowia : 44.